Checkout Links

Checkout links are the links that customers can use for adding products to a checkout page and proceeding to checkout.
To enable the customer to use the link, place it on a website or in an email.

The basic version of the checkout link contains only the ID of the product to be added to the checkout page.
Use additional parameters in the checkout link to add several products to the same checkout page, to change product display, and more.

The basic checkout link allows the customer to add one product to the checkout page. The minimum allowable number of product units will be added to the checkout page.

Link format:


You can get links in this format on the product management page via the Merchant Portal.

Use GET parameters to obtain additional features. For example, you can add several products to the checkout page using the same link, or apply a promotion code to get a discount, switch languages or currencies of the checkout page, etc.

One link can transfer several parameters at once. You have to list the required parameters after “?”, separated by “&”.

Basic link format:


Link format for links containing one additional parameter:


Link format for links containing several additional parameters:


Using the clear=Y parameter, you can pre-empty a checkout page before other products are added via a checkout link.

After following the checkout link containing an additional parameter:

  • The checkout page will contain only the products that are transferred in the link
  • If there are other products on the checkout page added earlier, they will be deleted

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • clear=Y - parameter to clear checkout pages. No applicable values


You can also use clear=Y to remove products from a checkout page without adding any new products.

Link format:


Using the pricegroupid parameter, you can add several products to a checkout page at once via the same checkout link. The minimum product quantity allowed will be added.

Link format:



  • pricegroupid={product_1_id},{product_N_id} - parameter transfers products to be added to checkout pages
    • Instead of the values in brackets, enter the required product IDs separating them by commas
    • You can get these IDs from the basic URLs of the corresponding products

You can use this parameter together with other parameters. Add parameters placing "&" between them.


You can also use cross-sell offer to add additional products automatically to your checkout page. More details on this option.

Using the quantity parameter, you can add several units of the same product to a checkout page. By default (no additional parameters), the minimum allowable number of product units will be added to the checkout page.

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • quantity={value} - parameter transfers product quantity
    • Instead of the values in brackets, enter the required quantity of the product units to be added to the checkout page
    • The quantity of the product units must not exceed the product quantity limits allowed for selling 

You can use this parameter together with other parameters. Add parameters placing "&" between them.


Using additional parameters, you can add several different products to one checkout page and set different quantities for each of the products.

Link format:



  • pricegroupid={product_1_id},{product_N_id} - parameter transfers products to be added to checkout pages
    • Instead of the values in brackets, enter the required product IDs separated by a comma
    • You can get these IDs from the basic URLs
  • quantity={product_1_quantity},{product_N_quantity} - parameter to transfer quantities of each product
    • Instead of the values in brackets, enter the quantities of the product units for each of the products to be added to the checkout page
    • The quantities of different products are separated by commas
    • The quantity of the product units must not exceed the product quantity limits allowed for selling

NOTE: Use the same sequence to list the quantities as you use to list the products in the pricegroupid parameter. If you need to add a product to a checkout page using the minimum allowed quantity (checkout link does not determine product quantity), do not transfer the quantity of this product, but keep commas around the missing value: ...?pricegroupid={product_1_id},{product_2_id},{product_N_id}&quantity={product_1_quantity},,{product_N_quantity}

You can use this parameter together with other parameters. Add parameters placing "&" between them.


Using the currency parameter, you can add a product having its price in a specific currency to a checkout page. This option is only available for multi-currency checkout pages. You can enable currencies according to the conditions of your Agreement.

How it works:

  • Applies to all the products on the checkout page
  • The checkout page cannot contain two products prices of which are set in different currencies
  • If the checkout page already contains one or more products in some currency, and the customer clicks a checkout link containing a different currency, the currency of the checkout page will change but only if all the products on the checkout page are available for sale in the newly transferred currency
  • If at least one of the products added to the checkout page is not available for sale in the transferred currency, the products are added to the checkout page as if no currency is transferred in the checkout link (i.e., checkout page currency will not change)
  • After clicking the link that transfers the currency, the customer can change the currency of the checkout page manually (as usual)

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • currency={value} - parameter transfers currency codes of products to be added to checkout pages:
    • Instead of the values in brackets, enter the required currency code according to ISO 4217 alpha-3, e.g. , "USD" - US dollars
    • For the list of codes, see the currency reference

You can use this parameter together with other parameters. Add parameters placing "&" between them.


Using the lang parameter, you can open a checkout page in a specific language. The transferred language must be enabled for the checkout page.

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • lang={value} -parameter transfers language codes for checkout page interfaces
    • Instead of the value in brackets, enter the four-letter code of the corresponding language in form xx_XX
    • For the list of codes, see the language reference

You can use this parameter together with other parameters. Add parameters placing "&" between them.


Using parameter auto_renew, you can control the default state of the subscription consent for products on the checkout page. The parameter affects only the default state. The customer can switch the state of the consent manually.

Use the parameter if you want to control the logic for enabling the checkbox depending on specific scenarios. If you want to change the default checkbox for all your products, contact our support team.

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • auto_renew={value} - parameter transfers customer consent and subscription to product auto-renewal:
    Instead of {value} enter one of these:
    • 0 - consent to product auto-renewal is disabled by default
    • 1 - consent to product auto-renewal is enabled by default

You can use this parameter together with other parameters. Add parameters placing "&" between them.

When used with the parameters for adding several products to one checkout page, you can transfer the checkbox values differently per product. 

Link format:


NOTE. Use the same sequence to list the checkbox values as you use to list the products in the pricegroupid parameter. If any of the products needs to be added to the checkout page without specifying the value of the checkbox in the checkout link, do not transfer the quantity of this product, but keep commas around the missing value: ...&auto_renew={product_1_value},,{product_N_value}


Using the CustomID=PPMONTH parameter, you can display a product extra price per month next to a regular price on checkout pages. Only products that have their validity periods set in months or years can use this parameter. More details on the "per month" format.


  • Some product  has price $120 and product validity period (term) 1 year
  • If the "per month" format is disabled, the customer sees $120 on the checkout page
  • If the "per month" format is enabled, the customer sees $120 ($10 per month) on the checkout page

The parameter is not supported by the default settings of the checkout page. If you need to use the parameter, please contact our support team.

Format link:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • CustomID={value} - parameter transfers additional settings for checkout pages. To display prices in the "per month" format, transfer the value of the CustomID=PPMONTH parameter.

Promotion codes (coupons) - one of the types of product discounts. To get a discount, you must activate a promotion code on a checkout page. More details on how to use promotion codes.

There are several modes possible on the checkout page:

  • Promotion code activation block is always displayed
  • Promotion code activation block is hidden

With the parameters in a checkout link, you can:

Using the coupon_seria parameter, you can pre-fill the promotion code activation block on a checkout page. The customer will have to press the activation button to apply their promotion code. When using this parameter, the block is displayed in any mode of the checkout page (if it is always displayed or if it is hidden by default).

Link format:

https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id}?coupon_seria={promotion code}


  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • coupon_seria={promotion code} - parameter transfers promotion codes. Enter required promotion codes that you want to be inserted into the activation field


Using parameter auto, you can automatically activate a promotion code transferred in coupon_seria.

How it works:

  • If the promotion code activation block is always displayed on a checkout page, the customer sees the message notifying of some promotion code being activated and some discount being applied to their product
  • If the promotion code activation block is hidden on a checkout page, the promotion code is not displayed when following a checkout link, and the customer can only see the discount applied at checkout

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • coupon_seria={promotion_code} -parameter transfers promotion codes. Enter required promotion codes that you want to be inserted into the activation field
  • auto -parameter for automatic activation of promotion codes. There are no values to insert


Using the show-coupon parameter, you can display an empty block used for activating promotion codes on a checkout page. Use this parameter if the promotion code activation block is hidden by default on the checkout page. 

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • coupon_seria={promotion_code} - parameter transfers promotion codes. Enter required promotion codes that you want to be inserted into the activation field
  • show-coupon -parameter for displaying the promotion code activation block. There are no values to insert


Using parameters referer1-referer6, you can transfer any values that will be stored into orders. This data is not displayed to customers on checkout pages, but they can see it in the URL bar. More details on how to use this data.

How it works:

  • The referrers transferred in a checkout link are fixed on the customer end via cookies (storage period - 45 days)
  • If the customer completes the creation of an order, these parameters are saved into the order (please note that the time for storing additional parameters in orders is limited)

Link format:



  • https://{checkout_page_domain}/basket/add/{product_id} - basic checkout link
  • referer1={value}&referer2={value}&referer3={value}&referer4={value}&referer5={value}&referer6={value} - parameters transfer referrer values
    • The maximum number of referrers is 6, i.e. the allowed parameter names are referer1 ... referer6
    • A referrer value cannot be more than 255 characters
