Promotions API

Promotions are a tool offering customers discounts on products.

Customers receive discounts according to the type of a promotion:

  • Discount - in this case, a promotion is applied to a product automatically when adding the product to the shopping cart on the checkout page
  • Promotion codes - in this case, a promotion is applied to a product only after a promotion code gets activated in the shopping cart on the checkout page

Discount models determine the products to which discount amounts under a promotion are going to be applied:

  • All products - total discount amount for all your products
    In this case, the promotion is applied to all your products; the discount amount is the same for each of the products. If you add new products to the catalog, the discount amount is automatically applied to them as well.
  • Specific products - total discount amount for selected products
    In this case, the promotion is applied only to the products you select; the discount amount is the same for each of the products.
  • Specific products and discounts - individual discount amounts for each selected product
    In this case, the promotion is applied only to the products you select; the discount amount is assigned individually for each product.

More details on how promotions work

Use the API to:

You can manage promotions through the Merchant Portal.

Version Archive

The documentation for the previous version of the Promotions API designed for managing promotion codes (coupons) is available at the link below. This version is archived and no longer updated.

Coupons API (XML version)