Create Products

  • Open Merchant Portal and go through authorization.
  • Go to Products.
  • Click on Create Product at the top of the page.

Main product properties:

  • Enter the Title and the Subtitle of a product. They are displayed to the customer on the checkout page.
  • Select a Pricing Model (Pricing Model) for the product and fill out the Price fields.
    With this, you can also limit product quantities, available for ordering.
  • (Optional) If a product has a limited validity and the customer must purchase recurring renewals to continue using the product, then you can set up the Auto-Renewal option and the Free trial period option for the product.

As soon as all the main properties of a product are entered, and a product object is created, the product is immediately available for sale. To place an order for the product, the customer must add it to the shopping cart on the checkout page using a checkout link.

You can also enter other product properties:

  • (Optional) Upload a product Photo. The customer will see this image on the checkout page.
    File size limits: not larger than 512KB.
    Supported image formats: *.gif, *.jpg, *,jpeg, *.png.
  • (Optional) Select a product type: Initial or Renewal. This property is informational and does not affect the auto-renewal option. It is used when generating reports and transferring them to GTM.
  • (Optional) Enter a Description. The customer will see it on the checkout page. The description is displayed in a modal window.
  • (Optional) Limit product sales according to the customer type by setting the following option: Available for. By default, product purchase is available to all the customer types. You can modify the settings to allow Individuals or Companies to make purchases.
Display at Checkout