Registration and Home page

If you have a support contract with Noventiq - all registration steps are performed by the Support team on a backend. The final action in this process for us is to send an invitation email to users from your organization who should have access to the Support portal.

Once users receive this email, it means that all configurations on the backend are completed, and you can start raising tickets. To do so – please, follow the link to support portal and follow the registration process. Idea of the next step is to ensure password protection – we do not create your password, you do it yourself!

Portal currently is available in 3 languages – English, Spanish and Portuguese. You can change the language at the top left side of the log in page.

Tip! If you are MSP client who have been onboarded via Azure Marketplace offer acceptance – you don’t need to go through the registration and you can just sign in with your own Microsoft Azure credentials!

Once you complete Registration steps – you will receive an email with the request to complete registration by confirming your email address.

After that - go to the support portal, log in with your credentials and explore!

Support portal consist of 3 core modules:

Main page of the Support portal is reflecting the set of services available for you. It can be one service or multiple different contracts.

Each contract will have several parameters:

  • Service type
  • Expiration date
  • Status (Active/Expiring/Expired/Deactivated)

You can select the contract you want to use by clicking on it – and you will be redirected to the detailed page for more information. There you will find the description, tickets, reports, and some other details, depending on the type of service.

If you see that some contract(s) are missing there, or expiration date & status are incorrect – please, let us know via email to